Welcome to the PNP Members site !

We need your events for our PNP members website calendar !!

Please forward your precinct-wide event flyers so they can be added to our calendar by forwarding the flyers to Our Web Guy.  Thanks !!

Agendas for PNP City Wide meetings (3rd Tuesday of the month) can be found on the “documents” page.  Our next Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 from 6PM to 8PM.  This month’s meeting is in person in the Mountain View Precinct Community Room and virtually.

2025 PNP Class Schedule can be found HERE.

NEW! PNP Members:  Note the new “Calendar” menu at the top of the site.  This is where you will find information on events including Coffee with a Cop and other gatherings as well.

Latest from Brian:


Just a reminder of next week’s PNP meeting, Tuesday, February 18, 2025, from 6pm to 8pm at Mountain View Precinct, 2075 E Maryland Ave and also virtually on Webex, (technology permitting) for those who are unable to make it in-person. 

3rd Tuesday of each month, 6pm to 8pm

During our August 20, 2024 meeting, Lisa Magarelli-Dallaire, the REACH North Phoenix Coalition Director presented to us on the dangers of fentanyl and addressing these dangers to our youth.

You can view the presentation HERE.  It is in PDF format and will open in a new tab in your browser.

The DOJ report on Phoenix PD is in.  As Brian mentioned in the Citywide PNP meeting, the City has already embarked on the Road to Reform.  

Click HERE to read and/or download the “Road to Reform” document.

During our January City-Wide meeting, our members asked for an easy way to find their Precinct and CAO’s assigned.  We have answered your call and here you go……

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design – CPTED

During our July Citywide meeting, Brian introduced us to CPTED and pointed us to a web page the City had recently completed and posted with information and resources that was geared primarily toward businesses.  You can find that page HERE.


That was for businesses.  Our homes can also benefit from employing the principles of CPTED.  We have posted two items that should be of interest to you.  The first is a home security self-check list that you can review yourself to insure your home is a less desirable target.  You can find that HERE.


You can find an entire presentation (originally in Power Point) which has been converted to pdf HERE.  Both documents will open in a new tab and you can view the information or download it to your computer.


If you observe suspicious activity contact the Phoenix Police Department.  

For Crimes in Process:  9-1-1

For Suspicious Activity  262-6121 Option 4

So, just what is the 9PM Routine?

The “9PM Routine” is a social media campaign created in 2017 by a Sheriff’s Office in Florida. The campaign was created to educate community members about best safety practices, and help the Sheriff’s department achieve its goal to reduce preventable crimes. The 9PM Routine typically includes tips such as: remove valuables from your car, lock your car, turn on outside lights, and lock up your home. Since its origination, the 9pm Routine has been adopted by law enforcement agencies all over the U.S and continues to provide value to communities by raising awareness and providing simple prevention tips.

What is PNP?

Phoenix Police officers train PNP members in a four hour class.

PNP members are taught to know:

  • Their neighbors!
  • Their neighborhood!
  • How to patrol with success by recognizing differences.

Because they view their neighborhood repeatedly, PNP Members recognize patterns.

They are trained to recognize differences between ALL things, people, vehicles, changes in properties and traffic, and they may see and recognize differences as not normal! 

They know what has changed! And, are trained to know, if necessary, how to call for Police, and to communicate efficiently with 911 center personnel.

There is fun, enjoyment and a sense of purpose that accompanies your involvement with the PNP program. 

In addition to helping make your own neighborhood a safer place, one of our group patrol event activities is the “First Friday” at Roosevelt and 5th St Phoenix, Az. We patrol, and report crowd problems to “Command” with special radios, and if needed, the Phoenix Police dispatcher then relays the report to local officers on the beat and is managed as needed.

The image above is from one of our patrols and was taken by Jerry Cline, a COPS and PNP volunteer for many years.

All patrolling and administrative time spent with PNP is done on a volunteer basis.  You contribute time as you are able once trained. 

This website and associated costs are partly funded by the City of Phoenix Neighborhood Block Watch grant program.  This comes from your tax dollars so remember to “Shop Phoenix” so taxes you pay continue to support programs such as ours.

The PNP adventure is entertaining, educational and fulfilling.  We encourage you to get involved and take part in the fun of the experience.

A reminder of important contact numbers:

“Suspected” Crime or suspicious circumstances;  Crime Stop:  602-26-26-151 (Option 4)

Crime in progress is an emergency….. Dial 911.

PNP Program Contact Information:

R. Brian Kornegay #5132, Detective
Phoenix Police Department
Community Relations Bureau
Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol,
Criminal Nuisance Abatement, &
Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design Coordinator˙
602-256-4303 Desk
602-534-2346 Fax
Protection | Respect | Integrity | Dedication | Excellence